

Supervised PhD students
Autonomous electric vehicles: impact on electrical power grids and opportunities
Biswarup Mukherjee
MINES ParisTech. 2020 - 2023
Hybridization of hydropower plants to enhance their flexibility
Stefano Cassano
MINES ParisTech. 2019 - 2022
Co-supervised PhD students
Industrial flexibility for future power systems operations
Sylvain Ledur
Mines ParisTech. Main supervisor: Dr. Kariniotakis. 2020 - 2023
Dispatching controllable resources in LV systems
Rahul Gupta
EPFL. Main supervisor: Prof. Paolone. 2019 - 2023
Impact of storage on bulk power systems operations
Yihui Zuo
EPFL. Main supervisor: Prof. Paolone. 2017 - 2021
Long collaborations with PhD students
Modelling and Forecasting of Photovoltaic Generation for Microgrid Applications: from Theory to Validation
Enrica Scolari
EPFL. Main supervisor: Prof. Paolone. 2015 - 2019
Advanced models and algorithms to provide multiple grid services with battery storage systems
Emil Namor
EPFL. Main supervisor: Dr. Cherkaoui. 2014 - 2018
Master thesis
Over 15 master thesis supervised from 2015.