
Seminars and invited talks

Stress-informed model predictive control of hybrid hydropower

F. Sossan

Seminar, Waterloo Institute Sustainable Energy (WISE) and University of Waterloo, Canada. 2022 March
Leveraging autonomous driving of electric vehicles to provide ancillary services to the distribution grid

F. Sossan

Panel presentation, session "Electric Vehicles as Flexible Demand-side Resources: Research Progress, Obstacles and Pilot Projects", General Meeting of IEEE Power Engineering Society (PESGM). 2020 August
Dispatching the operation of electrical distribution systems and providing multiple ancillary services to the power grid with grid-connected batteries

F. Sossan

Seminar, Monash University, Australia. 2019 November
Dispatch and clustering of ancillary services with distributed energy storage

F. Sossan

Seminar, Tsinghua University (Prof. Z. Hu's lab), China. 2019 May
Dispatch and clustering of ancillary services from distributed storage

F. Sossan

Tutorial, opening session on "Modeling and applications of energy storage systems in power grids", PSCC. 2018 June
Dispatch and Primary Frequency Control with Distributed Electrochemical Storage Systems: a System-wise Validation via Real-Time Simulation

F. Sossan

Panel presentation, session "Real-Time Simulation and Testing of Multi-Domain Systems using Detailed Modeling and Experimental Validation", General Meeting of IEEE Power Engineering Society (PESGM). 2018 August
Dispatching active distribution networks through electrochemical storage systems and demand side management

F. Sossan

Seminar, University of Genova, Italy. 2017 March
Aggregation of Power Capabilities of Heterogeneous Resources for the Real-Time Optimal Control of Active Distribution Networks

F. Sossan, M. Paolone

Panel presentation, session "Modern Heuristic Optimization Techniques for Renewable Energy Sources Integration with Energy Storage Devices: Optimization Under Uncertainty", General Meeting of IEEE Power Engineering Society (PESGM). 2017 July
Achieving the Dispatchability of Stochastic Power Flows by Distributed Control of Dispersed Energy Resources

F. Sossan

Seminar, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), USA. 2017 December
Evaluation of the impact of dispatched-by-design operation on power system reserve requirements

F. Sossan

Invited Presentation, Future Electric Power Systems and the Energy Transition International conference, Champery, Switzerland. 2016 February